...Unique Creative Styles and Content For Animation
“A tool for collecting and organizing things you love!”

What I love about Pinterest is that you can collect, organize and share images, references, videos, links, just ANYTHING you want with other artist and friends. Like EVERY ARTIST I know... I bet you have tons and tons of references in an external hard drive... two drives?... three?... four? Don’t worry, is part of being an Artist!

There’s one simple trick to Pinterest: don’t just pin others’ pins. Follow and upload your own pins to make your “image feed” more diverse. I’ll explain:
First, create an account (here,) and setup your page. You can check mine here: www.pinterest.com/frankguthrie/

Follow people. Do a search for “Art,” “Concept Design,” “CGI,” “Frozen,” whatever you are into. When you do this, you will begin to see a pattern: most artist look for the same references, over and over and over... I’m referring to things like drawing tutorials, images of anatomy, pin-up girls, mechs, etc, etc...
Then create a board to organize your pins into. Click on the top-left “create a board” icon. 1) Name your board, 2) describe it and 3) add a category so that Pinterest can cross-reference the images on the board within users’ searches...

You can also “share” your board by inviting friends and other users to it...

To “pin” and image is very easy: 1) click on the Pinterest logo at the top and it will take you to your “image stream” based on who you follow. This is like a “news Feed” on Facebook and Twitter....

Remember: the more people you follow, the more variation of images you will have!...

When you move your mouse over an image you will get the option to 2) pin it there and then by clicking on the red “Pin it” button, or you could 3) click on the magnifying lens to “open” the image into a new window...
Here you will see who pinned the image, where it comes from, what other boards is this image found in and, off course, you can pin the image!...
You can get extensions for your web browser so that you can pin any image you see on them. For Safari, check out the Pinterest Bookmarklet (Left image) and the Browser Extension (right image) here.

So go nuts, create an account and again, if you want to see how my boards are setup, go to: www.pinterest.com/frankguthrie/
