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CGI News

Autodesk Announces 2015 Lineup of 3D Animation Tools

One word:



This via The Area & CGRecord (check out the videos!) and it looks AMAZING! Watch the videos and you will see why, this... is one “update” to be exited about!...

O.k.; even if its just for the new UV Editor in Maya:

Create UV shells: The new Create UV Shell command lets you create a UV shell from a selection of components...

Display connected edges on UV shells: The new Toggle Shell Borders command highlights sets of connected edges in different colors, making it easy to identify edges that are shared...

Tweak UV Tool: Reposition components without switching to the Move Tool...

Easy component selection: The UV Texture Editor no longer isolates the current selection. After making a selection, unselected components remain visible...

Select UV shells: Double-click a face or select the new Shell option from the UV Texture Editor marking menu to select a UV shell...

Transform components using the Tool Box: You can now use the Move, Scale, or Rotate tools to transform components...

Color feedback: allows you to see compressed or stretched UVs...

Hard edge display mode: When hard edges are displayed (Display > Polygons > Hard Edges), all components are displayed in the UV Texture Editor, and you can select any component type...

Nudge shells and components: Quickly nudge your selection using the new nudge controls in the UV Texture Editor toolbar...

Normalize UVs: The new Center on closest tile option lets you scale UV shells within the closest UV tile...
